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New Pharmacy Approved for Stockton After Closure of Lloyds

The closure of so many pharmacies across the UK is something that all pharmacists are aware of. In the beginning, it was only low volume and poorly performing pharmacies that were being closed, but 2023 saw large scale closures of busy pharmacies, with the most notable being the closure of all Lloyds pharmacies that were

Reducing your pharmacy core hours was supposed to become easier, but what is really happening?

Hundreds of pharmacies have closed in recent years. Between July 2017 and July 2023, the number of operating pharmacies in England fell by 914 from 11,723 to 10,809 with the rate of closures increasing significantly in recent time. In September 2023, amendment Regulations were introduced that removed the need for 40 hour pharmacies (and 100

Pharmacy secured for New Medical Centre After 4 Years of Trying

4 years ago the developer of a new medical centre in Walsall started to look for a pharmacy tenant. Unfortunately the process they agreed with their advisor was doomed to failure from the start as they simply invited all pharmacies in the wider area to submit bids for the pharmacy unit without properly considering which

Another New Pharmacy Contract – this time in Gloucester

Gloucester is the location of our latest success, acting for a client where the NHS was considering two applications from competing paties for the same site. Our client, Tuffley Healthcare, submitted an application to open a new pharmacy in Gloucester after one had already been submitted by Badham Pharmacy (who were legally represented). Despite being

New Pharmacy Approved in Manchester Under “Identified Need”

Summer months tend to mean a slower decision making process with the NHS but we were pleased to receive this appeal decision which approves the opening of a new pharmacy in Salford, Manchester under “identified need”. Identified Need applications are rare, mainly because PNA’s rarely identify any need for a pharmacy, but in this case

Another new standard hours pharmacy approval in Cornwall

We are very pleased to announce that we have secured another new standard hours pharmacy approval in Cornwall. Our client’s application for the village of Bugle was initially refused by NHS England / ICB. We appealed this decision and the case was decided by way of an oral hearing. Bugle has a dispensing doctor practice

Major Changes to Pharmacy Regulations – Especially for 100 Hour Contractors

Today saw the announcement of the biggest change to the NHS Pharmacy Regulations since they were introduced in 2013 – so what do they mean for you? Today’s changes to the “Pharmacy Regulations” are without doubt the most significant changes to be announced in 10 years. No contractor should underestimate what the changes mean for

New Pharmacy Approved for New Medical Centre in Cramlington

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a new NHS pharmacy contract for the new Brockwell Surgery site in Cramlington. The new medical centre is part of a large development on the south east of Cramlington that also includes an existing urgent care centre. The case was complex as whilst the PNA identified

Change of Core Pharmacy Hours Approved at Appeal

We recently acted for a client who had tried to change their core hours, but had been refused by NHS England. Changes to core hours can be very difficult to achieve, as unlike supplementary hours, any change required consent from the NHS. In this case we noticed that our client was operating for more than

New Standard Contract Secured in Swindon After a Rowlands Pharmacy Closes

Another great result for our client after we secured a new NHS pharmacy contract for them at Rodbourne Road in Swindon. Hostorically there has been a pharmacy located at Rodbourne Road in Swindon for many years, but Rowlands Pharmacy applied to NHS England to consolidate this pharmacy with their nearest other branch. NHS England refused