Relocation of Distance Selling Contract Over 10 miles

relocation of distance selling contract

Relocations of distance-selling pharmacy contracts are starting to become more common as new businesses expand and seek new premises. The nature of a distance-selling pharmacy contract does not affect the test the NHS applies in considering the relocation, but the facts about how the pharmacy operates can make a big difference to the distance that

Relocation Approval After Oral Hearing

We had a very busy end to 2017 and one of our best achievements was to secure the relocation of a client’s pharmacy from their high street location in Stone, Staffordshire, to a new medical centre building at the edge of the town centre. The application was strongly opposed by a local pharmacy operator and

New Pharmacy for Newcastle

In October of 2016 we were contacted by a new client who had submitted an application to open a new pharmacy in Newcastle and was waiting for a decision from NHS England. We noted that the client appeared to have applied under the wrong regulation and assisted them in preparing a new application under the

New Pharmacy for Hartlepool

We are pleased to announce that we have secured a third new pharmacy contract for the same client, this time in Hartlepool. The application was refused by NHS England and went to oral hearing. The Oral Hearing Panel agreed that the area in question had become a new suburb of Hartlepool with its own services,