New Pharmacy for Warrington

New standard hours NHS pharmacy contracts are hard to come by, but we have secured two in one month for different clients. Our second contract was for a new “neighbourhood hub” being constructed in Warrington. The new hub is a major health and leisure facility for the town and part of a £16 million pound

Relocation Application Ruled to be Invalid

We recently acted for a client in a particularly complex and unusual case where a pharmacy operator in Kent was granted permission to relocate his pharmacy to a new retail development approximately 1 mile away. The case raised a number of important issues which included the fact that our client did not have a nearby

New Pharmacy Near Southampton

We were recently approached by one of our clients to secure permission from the NHS to open a new pharmacy near Southampton. The circumstances were unusual as another local pharmacy contractor had been operating two busy pharmacies within a large village and decided to close one down to focus all the business at the health

Opening a Private Pharmacy

Whilst the NHS remains “free at the point of contact”, cuts in funding and the inability to obtain appointments and treatments that fit in with modern living is leading to a rise in private prescribing and pharmacy services. We have acted for a number of online private prescribing and pharmacy service providers in the past