New Pharmacy Contract Under New Regulations

Rushport has secured the first new pharmacy contract under the ‘unforeseen benefits’ test after an oral hearing. The application was for a medical centre with a list size of over 16,000 and where a previous application by another applicant was refused at appeal in 2009. The application was approved in September 2013, almost exactly one

Two ‘No Significant Change’ Relocations Secured

More decisions are being issued by the NHSLA on applications made under the new 2012 and 2013 Regulations. We represented two separate clients who were seeking ‘no significant change’ relocations and both applications were approved at appeal. Interestingly, one of our clients had applied for the same relocation under the old Regulations and was refused

Differences Between the 2012 and 2013 Pharmacy Regulations

At a recent oral hearing on an application submitted under the 2012 Regulations, but heard when the 2013 Regulations were in force, it became apparent that there are a number of small changes between the two sets of Regulations. One example is in the Unforeseen Benefits application where the word ‘or’ has been replaced with