Branded Generics Hurt Pharmacy Contractor Profits – Now you have a chance to do something about it!

There has been a lot written about the new 5 year funding settlement that has been agreed for pharmacy, but I am not sure why, as it is simply the same pot of money for the next 5 years and inflation in costs means that it is really a reduction in funding every year. Add

DoH Can do more to help itself and pharmacies with small changes to their plans

In the recently published five year pharmacy funding agreement, the Department of Health (DoH) said (amongst other things) that it will help to accelerate a reduction in pharmacy numbers by encouraging pharmacies to close and merge branches. I really hope that the DoH consults on this proposal as there are a number of problems with

Defending Against a Pharmacy Application

Whilst we are better known for representing clients who want to open pharmacies, we are also instructed by clients who want to protect their business from new contract applications, especially when such an application might threaten the viability of their business. We recently acted on behalf of a large national multiple that operated the only