Rare Approval of Application under Regulation 17 in London

We are pleased to announce that, working for a client, we have secured a rare approval for a new pharmacy under Regulation 17 – “identified improvements or better access”. New pharmacy contracts are rarely approved in the London area as it is traditionally considered to have too many pharmacies. In this case we worked with

Closures and Mergers of Pharmacies

Is it right that “Just 1,000 pharmacies could survive cuts” and are the merger Regulations worth the paper they are written on? The lead story for the Chemist and Druggist on 17 March 2017 told us that “Just 1,000 pharmacies could survive cuts, APPG hears”. The question is whether headlines like this and the people

New Year, new website and lots of new news on the way!

The last few months of 2016 and the first of 2017 have been our busiest to date. We have held off publishing news articles as our new website was in final design and it is now up and running. Do let us know if you find any bugs or broken links! We have several new