June 19, 2016
  • Rushport Advisory

Rushport Wins Contested New Pharmacy Contract in London, EC1

New pharmacy contracts are difficult to secure, but new pharmacy contracts in central London are almost unheard of. In May 2015 we were able to secure a new contract in central London, EC1 in the area around the St Katharine Docks development. The contract was fiercely opposed by a number of local pharmacy contractors who hired various solicitors and consultants to oppose the application. The application was refused by NHS England, but we appealed this decision and the application went to an oral hearing which was a fairly acrimonious affair!

Ultimately the oral hearing panel agreed with us that granting the new contract would secure both improvements and better access to pharmaceutical services and they approved the application and overturned the decision of NHS England.

We look forward to opening the pharmacy during 2016.